Customer Accounts

In order to be able to make an API call merchant will need to encrypt the information with a token. Also the merchant will need to set the Accept header on the request as “application/xml” or “application/json” in order to get the response in xml or json format. There are 2 different customer api calls that you can make. The Customer end point allows us to inform the merchant about the accounts for different payment solutions that a customer has previously used and stored. For example, Let’s Say that Alex has two different accounts for neteller and one more for Trustly, the customer details and different accounts that he has registered will be sent to the merchant via this api call. The parameters have to be sent using the same encryption as the previous scenarios. Below you can find details of the response this api will give you and the parameters required to be sent. Send a POST request to the /customeEndpoint endpoint to obtain a list of payment solutions a customer has stored with Easy Payment Gateway.

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Consulta de estado de un cliente