
To refund a captured deposit transaction, the merchant has to make a request to EPG to refund, fully or partially, the transaction. The parameters have to be sent using the same encryption as the previous scenarios. The refund endpoint returns the same EPG response that we use for the status URL. Send a POST request to the /rebate endpoint to refund a previously captured transaction.

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Transacción HOST to HOST sin 3dsecure


//Establedemos modo de cifrado
$modo = "aes-256-ecb";
//Ciframos el concepto encrypted de la transacción
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt($cadena, $modo, $merchantkey);
//Cifrar la cadena inicial en sha256 para el integrity check
$modo = "sha256"; 
$integrityCheck = hash($modo, $cadena);

$datos = 'encrypted=' . urlencode($encrypted) . '&integrityCheck=' . $integrityCheck . '&merchantId=' . $merchantid;

$url = $url . $datos;